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The following reports,
flipcharts and books have been published by the Indo-German Bilateral Project
"Watershed Management" and are for sale :
Principles and Practices of
Integrated Watershed Management in India
New! Short Description:
Principles and Practices of Integrated Watershed Management in India brings to a wider
audience vast and wide experiences which exist in India. Professionals from various
organizations (government, non-governmental and academic) share their past efforts and
future aspirations for sustainable watershed management.
Benefits: The reader is brought up-to-date with current trends in watershed management in
Target Group: Project Staff, Decision Makers.
Materials available:
Book 10.1: Principles and practices of integrated watershed management in India, published
by IGBP, book, english, color, hardcover, many photographs, 436 pages, Costs: 15.00 Euro
(Rs. 500/-).
Support System for Natural Resources Management using Remote Sensing and GIS tools
(currently under development)
Short description: Thematic information extracted from satellite data and
conventional data are to be fed in a GIS (ARCINFO) using pre-project conditions. Once a
comprehensivve database is available in ARC/INFO format, the decision support system will
allow the user to play with different scenarios and simulate the outcomes as
well as costs of such recommendations. Thus the user is equiped to make an educated
decision with regards to possible soil and water conservation activities.
Benefits: Investments can be streamlined and optimized.
Target group: Senior Technical Staff.
Materials available:
CD and User Manual 7.1: Decision-Support System Software (available in December 2003).
A field manual for hydrologic and
sediment monitoring of watersheds in India
Description: A step-by-step practical, field oriented manual for technicians and junior
field staff for operation and maintenance of a hydrologic and sediment monitoring station.
It covers selection and construction of stations, instrumentation, field measurements,
data collection and data analysis. The manual is based on the experiences of the project,
which operates sediment monitoring stations in 13 states in India.
Target group: Junior and middle level staff with technical understanding. Benefits: The
reader has a guide for every stage in executing hydrologic and sediment monitoring of
watersheds - right from finding logic as to why such an exercise is necessary to
evaluating and interpreting the collected data for deriving meaningful conclusions.
Materials available:
Book 11.1 Hydrologic and sediment Monitoring of Watersheds in India- A Field Manual,
published by IGBP, english, grey shades, many photographs, 223 pages, Costs: 4.00
Procedures For Watershed Management
description: Detailed protocols, procedures and guidelines on watershed management in
India are included in the second part of this publication. The first part renders in a
more visual way the issues at stake with regard to natural resources management in India.
Benefits: Allows the reader to manage complex projects on watershed management involving
various kinds of organizations. It includes the planning process, the monitoring process
and the reporting mechanisms.
Target group: Senior staff of project implementing organizations.
Materials available:
Book 1.1: Our land, Ourselves - A practical guide to watershed management in
India.Published by Guy Honoré (IGBP), costs 15.00 Euro (Rs 500/-), book 200 pages,
hardcover, color, english, many photographs.currently out of stock.
Impact Assessment of Watershed Management
Short description: Nine impact indicators
were developed and tested by the project to monitor activities with regard to natural
resources management and livelihoods of people. These indicators are: soil loss,
groundwater, height-for-age,consumer durables, social capital, replication, outsiders, use
and maintenance, school attendance. Step-by-step description of the procedures are
included as well as our experiences.
Benefits: Helps monitor watershed management programmes in a more effective and holistic
Target group: Staff of project implementing organizations.
Materials available:
Book 2.1: Impact Indicators: An Alternative Tool for the Evaluation of Watershed
Management by M.W. Bollom (IGBP), costs: 15.00 Euro (Rs 500/-), book, 150 pages,
hardcover, color, english, many photographs and sketches.
Soil and Water
Conservation in Semi Arid Countries Short description: Technical description of techniques, methods and
tools to use for soil and water conservation with special reference to India.
Benefits: Enables user to learn and understand how to plan and design soil and water
conservation structures.
Target group: Junior field staff with technical understand.
Experiences: Has been developed and used by the project for more than 7 years.
Materials available:
Book 3.1: Watershed Management: Guidelines for Indian Conditions by E.M. Tideman (IGBP),
Costs 15.00 Euro (Rs 500/-), book, hardcover, 250 pages, english, many drawings and
Monitoring of small watersheds Short
Description : Toolkit consisting of video, manuals, formsheets and application protocols
on how to setup silt monitoring stations in remote rural areas, on how to collect data and
how to evaluate them in order to assess the success of erosion control activities.
Benefits: These very detailed instructions will allow you to successfully setup a
hydrological monitoring unit in your programme.
Target group: Junior staff with technical background.
Experiences: Has been developed and applied in India in very remote areas over a period of
ten years.
Materials available: (costs for complete set: 15.00 Euro (Rs 500/-)).
Video 4.1: Hydrological Monitoring in India (by IGBP) duration 90,
english. Manual
4.2: Hydrology for
Trainers (by IGBP) photocopy, 250 pages.
Manual 4.3: Training Notes: Introduction to Hydrology (by IGBP), photocopy,
50 pages.
Manual 4.4: Solution to Training Notes (by IGBP), photocopy, 20 pages.
Manual 4.5: Protocols for Hydrological data collection (by IGBP), Photocopy,
40 pages.Formsheet 4.6: Hydrological data collection.
Formsheet 4.7: Daily rainfall abstraction.
Formsheet 4.8: Peak water level abstraction.
Formsheet 4.9: Station inspection |
Success stories
of watershed management in India
description: Describes success stories of government programmes in India.
Benefits: To be used to make decision-makers and politicians understand the issues at
Target group: Senior decision-makers and politicians.
Materials available:
Book 5.1: Watersheds at Work. Success Stories of Watershed Programmes in India, book, 220
pages english and hindi, color, hardcover, many photographs, costs: 15.00 Euro (Rs 500/-).
Promotion in Rural areas Short description: Flipcharts which will allow
village motivator to initaite a discussion on self help promotion with practical
instructions on how to do it. The material
also contains leading questions.
Benefits: Allows a fast interaction with villagers on self help promotion.
Target group: Village motivators.
Experiences: 5 years in rural areas.
Materials available:
Flipchart 6.1: Together we are strong - Self help promotion in watershed management.
Flipcharts, hardcover, color, 25 pages, english and hindi, with illustrations published by
IGBP, costs: 3.00 euro (Rs 100/-).
Initiation of
Village Discussion on Natural Resources Management
description: Flipcharts which will allow village motivator to initiate a discussion on
natural resources management, using a story of one successful village and of one
unsuccessful village. The material also contains leading questions.
Benefits: Allows a fast interaction with villagers on natural resources management.
Target group: Village motivators.
Experiences: 5 years in rural areas.
Materials available:
Flipchart 8.1:A tale of two villages: Shantipur and Nishapur.flipcharts, 30 pages, color,
hardcover illustrations, costs: 3.00 euro (Rs 100/-).
Raising Material on Natural Resources Management in India
Brochure 9.1: Project Description, 6 pages, color, free of costs.
Brochure 9.2: Impact Assessment of Watershed Management in
Jharkhand.6 pages, color, many tables and charts, free of costs.
Brochure 9.3: Representative Watershed Burhanpura, 12 pages, color,
free of costs.
Item 9.4: Screensaver and mouse pad with photos of our experiences,
costs: 3.00 Euro (Rs 100/-).
Item 9.5: Ludo game with watershed background, with box (currently out
of stock).
Video 9.6 : A Light in the Dark, film to create awareness on natural resources management
using a storyline with many songs.Hindi, 15 minutes, VHS-PAL, Costs 5.0 Euro (Rs 200/-).
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